
The end of the University of Otago Children’s Writer Residency?

The NZ Booklovers Awards

Book List: Manga for teens

Writing hope for teens

An Auckland Libraries Quest: visiting all 56 Tāmaki Makaurau libraries

The Kiwi Kids Book Chat Podcast

Unlocking the power of National Library 

The Sapling’s best reads of 2024

Children’s Book Trends: Are We Following Them?

A summer reading challenge for teachers

From the Shop Floor: bookseller recommendations for Christmas

From the Shop Floor: bookseller recommendations for Christmas

Book Launch: Charlie Tangaroa and the God of War

Book List: Picture books as windows and mirrors to support children with disabilities

Disability Literati: on representation of disability in children’s books


Getting it right matters: an interview with Sarah Wilkins

Making reading cool: 30 years of the Duffy Books in Homes programme

Once Te Awhi Rito, always Te Awhi Rito: An interview with Alan Dingley

Clapping and believing: an interview with Elena de Roo

Across the Ditch: Inda Ahmad Zahri

Book People: Joy Sellen, Ace Administrator

Monsters and Chaos Walking – thirty minutes with Patrick Ness

Interview: Nicola Daly on Indigenous Worldviews in Picture Books

Interview: Ned Wenlock on his best first book award winning ‘Tsunami’

Interview: Steve Mushin on Ultrawild

Interview: Dame Lisa Carrington and Scott Pearson

Interview: Elizabeth Gray on the Whakapapa of Sound

Illustrator to Illustrator: Five Things I Wish I Could Ask Another Illustrator

Interview: Rachel Lawson on Picture Me 

Interview: Kate Preece on Ten Nosey Weka 


Review: new books for teens

Review: Square Me, Round World

Review: Charlie Tangaroa and the God of War

Review: The Mess of our Lives

Review: Into the Ice

Reviews: Five fresh picture books

Review: four recent picture books

Review: Three new wildlife titles

Reviews: activity books for the holidays

Reviews: New titles in two popular series

Review: Lisa Carrington Chases a Champion

Te Arotakenga: Ko Lisa Carrington Me Te Toa Whakaihuwaka

Review: New titles in two great local series

Review: Three picture books with messages for their readers

Review: Three adventurous new graphic novels

Thank you to our funders & supporters

The Sapling – Conversations about children’s books