If you are as committed to children’s books as Giselle and The Sapling team are, no doubt you’ve found yourself pondering many branded purchases linked to your favourite picture book. Nothing made Sarah happier when her kids were little than when her friends bought them picture book merchandise t-shirts! Giselle takes a wander down the side aisles of children’s book merch.

Giselle Clarkson
Giselle Clarkson is an award-winning illustrator, author, comic creator and Arts Foundation Laureate. You can find her work in the NZ School Journal, NZ Geographic magazine, on t-shirts and tea towels for RNZ, arts festival posters and Seaweek resources, to name a few. She has been illustrating picture books since 2018, including The Gobbledegook Book: A Joy Cowley Anthology and Egg & Spoon: An Illustrated Cookbook (both Gecko Press). Her most recent publication is The Observologist: A Handbook for Mounting Very Small Scientific Expeditions (Gecko Press, 2023). Giselle's secret talent is rescuing moths from the shower without accidentally drowning them.