
Reviews: Five Fun Picture Books

Transport, friendship, noisy library-users, pizza nights and child-fearing dentists are all covered in this line-up of new Aotearoa picture books. Kay Benseman reviews. Double Dippers (Big Little Blue #3), by Raymond McGrath (Scholastic NZ) This was my first read of a…

From the Shop Floor: The Kiwi Kids’ Bookstore

The Kiwi Kids’ Bookstore is an online bookstore that exclusively sells children’s and YA books by New Zealand authors and illustrators. It’s run by New Zealand author Kate Gordon-Smith, who writes junior fiction adventures and mysteries. Give us a one-paragraph…

School Librarians of Aotearoa: Alan Dingley

Alan Dingley, as well as being Aotearoa’s Te Awhi Rito Reading Ambassador, is the Library Manager at Freyberg High School in Palmerston North. Here he tells us about his journey to becoming a librarian, and the passion he has for…

The Giselle Clarkson Comic: Number 41

Giselle Clarkson is kicking off her comics this year with the book character dress-up equivalent of kids running around shouting at panicking younger and smaller-vocabularied children that their epidermis is showing.

Quiz: Booklovers Awards 2024

The 2024 Booklovers Awards shortlist has just been announced. How much do you know about this year’s shortlisted titles, authors, and categories? Rack your brains with our first quiz of the year, focused on all things Booklovers Awards-related! Questions 1….

The Reckoning: Lost in Translation?

Award-winning author Melinda Szymanik shares her realisations about the skills and challenges involved in translating children’s books. Prompted by the publication of her books in foreign languages, Szymanik talks to Bill Nagelkerke about his experiences of translating and all that…

The Sampling: The Impossible Story of Hannah Kemp

By Leonie Agnew This Sampling was provided by the publisher for a limited time only. It is no longer available. As part of our Summer Excerpt Series, we are showcasing the junior and YA 2023 Storylines Notable Books, and this…

Reviews: Two Captivating STEM Books

Linda Jane Keegan reviews two books that are rooted in nature connectivity. Ultrawild is a thought experiment encompassing environmental science, engineering, and outrageous ideas for how to save the planet, and The Beach Activity Book is an assortment of water-themed…

The Sampling: Children of the Rush (#2)

James Russell The Sapling is running a Summer Excerpt Series showcasing the junior and young adult titles from the 2023 Storylines Notable Book Awards. This week we have the first three chapters from James Russell’s Children of the Rush 2, the thrilling sequel to…

The Sampling: Tūī Street Legends

By Anne Kayes The Sapling is running a Summer Excerpt Series showcasing the junior and young adult titles from the 2023 Storylines Notable Book Awards. Next up is the third title in Anne Kaye’s Tūī Street series, Tūī Street Legends. You can read…