
Book Reviews: New Aotearoa Picture books

There are all kinds of strong voices in Aotearoa’s picture book world today and some of the best of the best are women. Freelance writer Carly Thomas reviews five New Zealand children’s books that all fit that criteria and finds…

The finalists of the 2021 NZ kids’ book awards are…

Each year, the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults make for a massive occasion in the Aotearoa kids book world – move over Oscars, out of the way Silver Scrolls. This is our night. The awards celebrate excellence in…

Why does illustration cost so much?

Fifi Colston explains the costs involved in training as an illustrator, and how many books a year she has to illustrate to make ends meet. A great resource for anyone wondering why it is illustrations can be so expensive. I…

Book Reviews: New Non-Fiction from Aotearoa

Author Linda Jane Keegan reviews two new non-fiction titles from Aotearoa; the first looks at our changing climate, and the second at the history of our country. Inside Bubble Earth – Climate Change, by Des Hunt (OneTree House) I must…

The Reckoning: The Brown Brick Road

We all have that one book; the one that turned us on to reading, or reached out and grabbed us by the heart and squeezed.

Book Reviews: Junior Fiction Pony Tales

From the whimsy and sparkle to grim reality, you don’t have to be a pony obsessive to still love a good pony book! Librarian Chelsea Heap has read up on four recent books in the pony genre and shares her…

Storytime: Engaging Little Listeners

Children’s author, storyteller and award winning playwright, Helen Vivienne Fletcher discusses storytime. She takes us through finding the right books, interacting with little listeners and other sage tips for engaging what can be a tough but rewarding audience! It’s 10.25am…

Tara Black attends Shaun Tan’s masterclass

Tara Black attended a masterclass at the Auckland Writer’s Festival on how to create a picture book with Shaun Tan—and she was kind enough to share her discoveries with us in her super special comic reportage style! If you can’t…

Co-interview: Joanna Grochowicz & Cristina Sanders

We thought it was high time for the return of our author co-interview—and look at the pair we managed to bring together! Joanna Grochowicz had quickly become a favourite among readers of non-fiction, with her fascinating (and award-winning) dives into…

The Mahy Questionnaire: Stacy Gregg

This month’s instalment of the Margaret Mahy Questionnaire features your favourite author of pony fiction, Stacy Gregg!