Sarah Forster

Reviews: Two New Junior Fiction Titles

Sarah Forster reviews of two new junior fiction titles for kids pitched into that tricky junior / middle fiction reading divide. With child-friendly themes and page-turning storylines, both titles are easy to recommend. Dear Professor Whale, by Megumi Iwasa, Illustrations…

A Range of New Picture Books from Aotearoa

Editor and co-founder Sarah Forster shares her thoughts on another exciting batch of Kiwi picture books featuring some well-intentioned letters to Donald Trump, anthromorphised girl boss penguins, and a divisive depiction of anxiety. Dear Donald Trump, by Sophie Siers and…

Book Reviews: Two great kiwi junior fiction titles

Split consciousness features in very different ways in these two wonderful junior fiction titles for opposite ends of the audience age group. Sarah Forster tells us what she thinks. Between, by Adele Broadbent (OneTree House) Between had me under its…

Book Reviews: Two reality-based YA titles

Mandy Hager and Helen Vivienne Fletcher are both Wellington-based writers of YA and other things. Sarah Forster was excited to read Fletcher’s second YA publication, alongside a long-awaited sequel to The Nature of Ash from Hager. Underwater, by Helen Vivienne…

Across the Ditch: Author and editor Sue Whiting

Australian author Sue Whiting has written numerous books in a variety of genres: fiction and nonfiction, picture books through to YA, including the best-selling The Firefighters, and the award-winning A Swim in the Sea. As well as writing for children,…

Book Reviews: YA From High Fantasy to Gritty Reality

This set of reviews includes everything from kidnapping to faraway kingdoms, pig-hunting to the wilds of Fiordland. Three of the books reviewed are by OneTree House, who just this week won a prestigious award at Bologna Children’s Book Fair. The…

Brian Falkner: A Superhero for all Eras

In 2007, when I first encountered Brian Falkner, he was at the top of the national request list for the Writers in Schools programme, which I ran at the NZ Book Council. He wrote books about sports, about soft drink…

Book Reviews: Three Junior Fiction Gems

Each of these three action-packed books has a great cast of characters, some daredevil heroes and is written for kids aged 7+. Sarah Forster found them to be page-turning fun. Lily Max: Sun, Surf, Sea, by Jane Bloomfield (Luncheon Sausage…

Book Reviews: The Wonderling & Nevermoor

While most of our reviews are of NZ titles, occasionally we check out what is being hyped overseas. Each of these titles are the stars of Christmas for their publishers, and they share similarities in their London-ish setting, and their…

Five New Picture Books From Aotearoa

Look at all these new books! Today we review five new picture books and find that, as usual, there’s plenty of top-notch stuff being published in Aotearoa New Zealand for our tamariki. Two or three times on my first reading,…