Book Lists

Book List: Manga for teens

Bee Trudgeon provides an introduction to manga, for grown ups who may be trying to keep up with the kids. Japan has had a failsafe way to attract teens to books for decades, but in Aotearoa the magnetic wonder of…

The Sapling’s best reads of 2024

We asked The Sapling’s editors and contributors for their best reads of the year. The criteria was broad: recent books preferred but not strictly enforced, titles from Aotearoa or overseas and books for babies to young adults. Here’s what we…

From the Shop Floor: bookseller recommendations for Christmas

Eight year olds to teens edition. Avid book collectors know that some of the best informed opinions on books are found over the counter at your local bookstore, so we’ve asked Aotearoa’s specialist children’s booksellers what they’re recommending for Christmas…

From the Shop Floor: bookseller recommendations for Christmas

Babies to eight year olds edition. Avid book collectors know that some of the best informed opinions on books are found over the counter at your local bookstore, so we’ve asked Aotearoa’s specialist children’s booksellers what they’re recommending for Christmas…

2024 PANZ Book Design Award Finalists: Children’s Books

It’s time to celebrate an oft overlooked aspect of book creation—the design. The Publishers Association of New Zealand has just announced the shortlist for Aotearoa’s best-designed books in nine categories. Here we are showcasing the three which focus on books…

Book List: Sri Lankan Authors, Stories, and Characters

The Sinhalese and Tamil New Year takes place this weekend, so The Sapling asked Sri Lankan writer Diyamanthi Galpoththage to tell us about what Sri Lankan stories and authors are available in New Zealand. She shares her favourite childhood books…

Book List: Twisted Fairytales

Fairytales are the foundation onto which all children’s literature is built. It feels impossible to imagine a world where castles and fair princesses and evil witches and handsome princes aren’t a part of the make-up of the kidlit cannon. For…

Book List: Inspiration for Bug of the Year

This is the second year of New Zealand Bug of the Year. Step aside, Bird of the Year, the Entomological Society of New Zealand is keen to get our nation more interested in the lesser known heroes of our environment….

List: A selection of re-released picture books

Many books are worth reading more than once, and some are worth publishing more than once. Here we highlight a few titles re-released this year. To Catch a Cloud By Elena de Roo & Hannah Peck Published by Faber RRP:…