Book Lists

Your Christmas Shopping List 2022

The Sapling editors have compiled a list of recommendations of this year’s releases for your Christmas book shopping! Picture Books How My Koro Became A Star Written by Brianne Te Paa Illustrated by Story Hemi-Morehouse Published by Huia Publishers RRP:…

Book List: Let’s Talk About Sex

Gone are the days of beating around the bush and euphemisms about the birds and the bees. Here guest writer Susan gives us the rundown on books for kids about puberty, sex, bodies, gender, and relationships. Susan is a journalist,…

Christmas Reads from The Sapling

We interrupt this hiatus to bring you a list of Top Recommendations for the 2021 Holiday Season, created for you, our dear readers, as well as those of Newsroom’s ReadingRoom. Compiled by Editor Sarah with a bit of help from…

Book List: Fiction for Gamers

Why do we love games? The high-octane fun? The easy access to discovery, adventure, challenge, and endless other draws? Sure. Yes to all of that. But the real kicker? It’s the infinite possibilities. The magical sandbox to play in. A…

Book List: Global Feel-good fantasy

Sometimes, we need a little escapism with a side of pep in our reading. A little pick-me-up. And fantasy can be just the thing. After all—if it’s for middle readers, it (almost) always will have a happy ending, making any…

Book List: Starting School

The jump from kindy, kōhanga, daycare, or home to SCHOOL can be quite a leap. Former Sapling co-editor, and mother of two kids who have started school in recent memory, Thalia Kehoe Rowden, has read a hundred First-Day-of-School books and…

Bookshop List: Good Books from Good books

Good Books is one of the youngest bookshops in the country, only springing to life this past spring. But they have already developed a passionate following, not least because the staff there are some familiar faces to those in the…

Book List: Detectives, Spies, & other Sneaky Sorts

Picture this. You’re a bookseller, being asked for recommendations for a ten-year-old kid who loves reading but needs something new. You pause in front of the shelf before grabbing three books to suggest – and as you give your spiel…

The Festival of lights: celebrating Diwali through books

Today is Diwali, the Indian festival of lights! And given that 3.9% of Aotearoa’s population has an Indian background, it seems fitting to share a booklist of children’s books around the festival. This fantastic collection is courtesy of the lovely…

Book List: this world – but not as we know it

This year’s winner of the Nielsen Bookshop of the Year Award at the NZ Book Industry Awards was Hawke’s Bay’s own Wardini Books – and we’ve persuaded co-owner Louise Ward to give us some of her top picks in a genre….