
The end of the University of Otago Children’s Writer Residency?

The University of Otago has announced that the future of the Children’s Writer Residency is uncertain, following a funding cut. Ella West looks at the significance of the residency. This year’s Children’s Writer resident, Samantha Montgomerie from Dunedin, could be…

The NZ Booklovers Awards

The winners of the NZ Booklovers Awards will be announced at the end of the week. Before we find out who takes out the picture book, junior fiction and young adult prizes, we spoke with the Booklovers team to find…

Book List: Manga for teens

Bee Trudgeon provides an introduction to manga, for grown ups who may be trying to keep up with the kids. Japan has had a failsafe way to attract teens to books for decades, but in Aotearoa the magnetic wonder of…

Writing hope for teens

Kiri Lightfoot, author of the young adult novel Bear, on how writing a book for teens reminded her how tricky the transition to adulthood can be. I spent nearly a decade writing a novel for young adults. Yes, it took…

The Kiwi Kids Book Chat Podcast

Librarians Penny Walch and Julie Huggins have been sharing their enthusiasm for Aotearoa’s children’s books in podcast form since 2021. Here, Penny takes us through the highs and lows of podcasting. What do two librarians with verbal diarrhoea who are…

Unlocking the power of National Library 

National Library staffers Crissi Blair and Tracey Greenwood share ways National Library Services to Schools can support school communities. Building a thriving reading culture As literacy shapes futures and stories cultivate empathy, fostering a culture of reading in schools has…

The Sapling’s best reads of 2024

We asked The Sapling’s editors and contributors for their best reads of the year. The criteria was broad: recent books preferred but not strictly enforced, titles from Aotearoa or overseas and books for babies to young adults. Here’s what we…

Children’s Book Trends: Are We Following Them?

Maureen Crisp charts children’s publishing trends from the USA, the UK and Australia to see which have made their way here and what is in store for 2025. I made the mistake of looking at a big chain bookstore to…

A summer reading challenge for teachers

Each year, Read New Zealand Te Pou Muramura issues a reading challenge for the summer holidays. This year and last, the wero is aimed at teachers. We chatted with Sarah Dillon, Te Pou Muramura’s Communications and Engagement Manager, to find…