
Storytime: Engaging Little Listeners

Children’s author, storyteller and award winning playwright, Helen Vivienne Fletcher discusses storytime. She takes us through finding the right books, interacting with little listeners and other sage tips for engaging what can be a tough but rewarding audience! It’s 10.25am…

Tara Black attends Shaun Tan’s masterclass

Tara Black attended a masterclass at the Auckland Writer’s Festival on how to create a picture book with Shaun Tan—and she was kind enough to share her discoveries with us in her super special comic reportage style! If you can’t…

Book List: Global Feel-good fantasy

Sometimes, we need a little escapism with a side of pep in our reading. A little pick-me-up. And fantasy can be just the thing. After all—if it’s for middle readers, it (almost) always will have a happy ending, making any…

Book Quiz: Books to sing along to

It’s New Zealand Music Month, so our quiz for your brain teasing pleasure today is all about singalong books from writers, illustrators and performers from Aotearoa. Good luck! Test yourself, share with a friend, and let us know on Facebook…

THE SAMPLING: Inside Bubble Earth – Climate Change

Your favourite former science/technology teacher turned eco-fiction writer Des Hunt is back with a new title, Inside Bubble Earth: Climate Change – a fantastic illustrated non-fiction resource all about climate change and the consequences of human actions. Feast your eyes on this excerpt from the book.

The Reckoning: Kids and the Classics – A Lost Cause?

Should children be persuaded to read critically-acclaimed and classic books? Today Steph Matuku, an award-winning writer and mother from Taranaki, puts up her case for convincing kids to broaden their literary horizons, and shares how she’s tackling the challenge of…

Day In the Life of an Illustrator: Catherine Bagnall

We have a delightful installment of our Day In the Life of an Illustrator feature today—with someone more used to gallery walls than pages of a book. But being new to the world of art on the page doesn’t make…

The Giselle Clarkson Comic: Number 32

Our resident illustrator extraordinaire Giselle Clarkson takes us on an epic tour of some fabulous local bookish monuments – including a few that aren’t explicitly book related, but could be with a little rebranding!

Reading To My Mokopuna

Our relationship with children’s books evolves as we grow older, becoming parents or aunties and uncles or just willing readers to friends’ tamariki. But as Philippa Werry has found, there’s another shift that takes place when one takes up the…