
Book List: Starting School

The jump from kindy, kōhanga, daycare, or home to SCHOOL can be quite a leap. Former Sapling co-editor, and mother of two kids who have started school in recent memory, Thalia Kehoe Rowden, has read a hundred First-Day-of-School books and…

Is this the perfect time for a pandemic story?

Discussion of self isolation and social distancing and mask wearing may all feel very 2020s – but for those not in the know, two titles from Aotearoa sitting on shelves with shiny new covers are not, in fact, products of…

The Mahy Questionnaire: Eileen Merriman

Here’s a fresh bit of your Margaret Mahy Questionnaire goodness, featuring award-winning novelist, short story, and flash fiction writer Eileen Merriman! Read on to find out her takes on shadow-sitting, barefoot beach walks, and pleasant-smelling, elegant giraffes. And when you’re…

Book Quiz: Authors bridging age categories

Welcome back to another Sapling quiz! This month’s quiz blends current releases with a healthy dash of Aotearoa children’s book history knowledge. Enjoy! Test yourself, share with a friend, and let us know on Facebook or Twitter how you do!…

Kelly Gardiner: The Books Of My Childhood

How does a bookish child develop a love of reading in a household with few books? Libraries of course! Kelly Gardiner writes about the books from her childhood that inspired a love of reading and shaped her own writing. I…

Tara Black attends Joy Cowley’s masterclass

Last weekend, Tara Black attended a masterclass on how to create a picture book, led by Joy Cowley. This was a fundraiser for Featherston Booktown, which Joy is the patron of. This is presented in graphic format, but with a…

THE SAMPLING: Fire’s Caress

Lani Wendt Young is back with a new title, Fire’s Caress – the second in her Telesā World series for teens. Enjoy this excerpt from pages 32–35 of the book, describing antagonist Marc Gold’s villain origin story…

The Mahy Questionnaire: Sandra Morris

You know it, you love it – it’s the Mahy Questionnaire! This month we are featuring award-winning author and illustrator Sandra Morris. Read on to find out her takes on 6 a.m. river walks, dancing with flora and fauna, and…

Sam Wallace: The Books Of My Childhood

TV presenter, radio broadcaster and writer Sam Wallace tells us all about his relationship with books as a child, how it changed as he grew older, and the impact of those experiences on his own kids. I wasn’t a bookworm…

The Giselle Clarkson Comic: Number 31

Giselle Clarkson is back for 2021! Today our fabulous illustrator finds her inner poet while musing on the weird and wonderful poses she used to strike while reading.