
My Children’s Diet of Books

“The current generation of children have many digital distractions, and it can be hard to promote reading as a stimulating and exciting activity. I was fortunate in that my children grew up in the country, and before social media, but…

Coming Back—A Family Affair

The death of the father of the family whose ordeal David Hill’s YA novel Coming Back is based on spurred him to think about how writers record and adjust reality to suit their narratives. Coming Back might not be regularly…

THE SAMPLING: Answering to the Caul

Ted Dawe’s latest novel was released in paperback format last spring – and now, you can get your hands on it in ebook form, for teen and adult readers everywhere.

From the Shop Floor: Paige’s Book Gallery

We are pleased to present a regular series highlighting the work, expertise and enthusiasm of some of the greatest booksellers of New Zealand.  This month we’re featuring the remarkable Paige’s Book Gallery in Whanganui. Owner Lesley Stead tells us all…

Crafts with Fifi: Hatch your own Marvellous Marvin!

Long-time readers of The Sapling will remember that in our first year, we had a regular crafting feature from the super talented Fifi Colston. This December, Fifi’s illustrations brought Nadia Lim’s debut picture book to life – and so to celebrate,…

Musicians Make Amazing Picture Books

Many of our wonderful picture book writers are both musicians and writers. Diana Neild, writer of Daddy Monster A-B-C and the Piggity-Wiggity series (if you don’t know these, look them up!) and June Pitman-Hayes, writer of Kia ora! You can…

SPCA summer Reading Challenge

Read for animals this summer with the SPCA Reading Challenge, run by Read NZ. It all started when we asked a group of self-described reluctant readers: what would it take to make reading more fun for you? They were of…

Bookshop List: Good Books from Good books

Good Books is one of the youngest bookshops in the country, only springing to life this past spring. But they have already developed a passionate following, not least because the staff there are some familiar faces to those in the…

Quiz: Kupu pukapuka i te reo Māori

The time has once again come for another Sapling quiz! Today we’re testing your knowledge of ētahi kupu pukapuka i te reo Māori – some book words in Māori! Good luck… Test yourself, share with a friend, and let us…