
THE SAMPLING: The Lonely Little Tree

Here’s an extract from a new New Zealand Christmas picture book, The Lonely Little Tree by Moya Kirby and illustrated by Terri Rose Baynton (Scholastic).

The Reckoning: Why Bologna Matters

Angela Keoghan kicked off her international children’s book career by visiting Bologna Book Fair in 2015, and she has been going there every year since. She makes the argument for NZ illustrators to go to the other side of the…

School Librarians of Aotearoa: Theresa Kewish

Theresa Kewish is the librarian for two high-decile rural schools in the Waikato: Tamahere Model Country School for 22 hours a week, and Te Pahu School, a full primary, for six hours a week. Tamahere has around 480 students and…

The Giselle Clarkson Comic: Number 18

As we near the end of 2018, our cool and clever illustrator, Giselle Clarkson, reaches Peak Adorkable. Here, she teaches us about some bugs and the stories behind their scientific Latin names.

Down the Back of the Chair: Books No One Can Read

Māori language academic Vini Olsen-Reeder wants Māori-speaking kids and adults to be able to read books – lots of them – in te reo Māori. Since I started learning te reo Māori in 2008, I think I’ve been subconsciously preparing…

Book List: Books to help Allergy Kids

Between six and eight percent of children in New Zealand live with allergies, according to Allergy New Zealand, with food allergies being the most common. We have asked Pearl Dsilva to put together a list of books that may help…

For Crying Out Loud: Crying and Kids’ Books

‘I’m a kindred spirit to Anne of Green Gables’ Anne Shirley. When I feel like crying, you see it in my cheeks, in the flicker in my eyes, and sometimes you see it in my bottom lip.’ Kura Rutherford writes…

In Memoriam: An Elegy for Charlotte

What fictional death have you never got over? That’s the question asked of our editor Jane Arthur by poet Chris Tse, guest curator of the ‘In Memoriam‘ event at last weekend’s LitCrawl in Wellington, a literary festival with a difference….

THE SAMPLING: Flight of the Fantail

Flight of the Fantail is a debut YA novel by Steph Matuku, published by Huia. We are pleased to publish the first chapter to whet your appetite for this spooky homegrown mystery.

Book Quiz: A Spooky Bunch of NZ Books

The spookiest night of the year is here again. Before you send your little ghouls, witches and Wilberforces out, see how much you know about scary NZ stories for kids of all ages. Test yourself, share with a friend, and…