
THE SAMPLING: All Our Secrets

All Our Secrets is set in a small town called Coongahoola, with the dark Bagooli River running through it. After the Virgin Mary appears to the local check-out chick, the Bleeders set up on the banks of the river, and begin to buy up the town and win souls. Then the River Children begin to go missing, one after another.

KA PAI! Cool stuff from around the internet

Every so often we compile, for your browsing pleasure, cool children’s book happenings (and peripherally related news) from around Aotearoa, the world and the internet. This is our final issue for 2017 – something to keep you going over the…

School Librarians of Aotearoa: Cathryn Mitchell

Cathryn Mitchell is our final School Librarian of Aotearoa this year. Her background includes public library work around Auckland, and she was a DHB librarian briefly before moving to the Blind Foundation Youth Library in 2015. Here is what she…

The Reckoning: Wonderful Choices

Author, publisher, and full-time feminist Deb Potter on how books can open up wonderful choices for young people – or not. I have more than one t-shirt with the word feminist on it. Reading the word, people in lifts, supermarkets…

Crafts with Fifi: Make a Tangled Christmas Star

Fifi Colston has come up with this smart, simple craft to complete with your little ones in the final few days leading up to Christmas, inspired by The Christmas Tree Tangle, by Margaret Mahy, illustrated by Sarah Davis. Keep your…

Sacha & Josh: holding keys to magical worlds

Sacha Cotter and Josh Morgan first came into the children’s picture book scene in 2014 with their books Keys and the te reo Māori version, Ngā Kī. This was followed two years later by The Marble Maker and Te Kaihanga…

Book Quiz: A New Zealand themed Christmas

Slowly but surely, New Zealand has built up its very own range of Christmas-themed Children’s literature. Sarah realised recently that she has most of these books at home. See how much you know about them! 1. Margaret Mahy’s The Christmas…

Jacinda Ardern: The Books of my Childhood

Today our special guest writer is the Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, who is also Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage. She tells us about her surprising reading journey as a child and teenager. My…

Books make great, memorable, meaningful gifts

Poet and children’s bookseller Freya Daly Sadgrove is a strong believer in the power of the right book for the right person at the right time. Here, she writes about why (in her own words) ‘books are great as gifts…

Kids’ Audio builds literacy, empathy and imagination

Prue Langbein was a producer in the drama department of Radio New Zealand for 26 years. She began her work there as a story producer for the ground-breaking children’s show Ears. More recently, inspired by a trip to America on…