
How to be a warrior princess: Chinese heroines

Nina Powles remembers how it felt to discover Mulan, a Chinese ‘warrior princess’, as a child, and looks into other stories of woman warriors in China and how their stories still resonate today. 1. Learn how to cut your own…

The Sampling: The Traitor and the Thief

An excerpt from Gareth Ward’s debut steampunk adventure novel and winner of the 2016 Storylines Tessa Duder Award, The Traitor and the Thief. Orphan, urchin and thief, Sin, has just been chased through the streets of Coxford by a sinister old man, Eldritch … Secrets, spies and steampunk gadgets abound in this fantastic adventure story!

Publish your own way: Independent publishing

‘Self-published’ is not a word I use proudly when referring to my work. Independently produced books are – still – frequently seen as inferior to those that are traditionally published. But the number of my self-published colleagues who are creating…

Ali Teo and John O’Reilly: The Curious Ar-Chew

Award-winning illustrators Ali Teo and John O’Reilly have been working together for over 15 years, having illustrated many picture books. Their most recent collaboration has been on Sarah Grundy’s debut picture book, The Curious Ar-Chew. The Curious Ar-Chew won the…

KA PAI! Cool stuff from around the internet

Every two weeks we compile, for your browsing pleasure, cool children’s book happenings (and peripherally related news) from around Aotearoa, the world and the internet. Book news from Aotearoa In events, The Hungry Little Caterpillar comes to the stage! And…

Quiz: first lines of classic Kiwi kids’ novels

How well do you know classic New Zealand children’s novels? Do you think you could recognise them from their first sentences? Have a go! Answers are at the bottom of the page. 1. ‘When, suddenly, on an ordinary Wednesday, it…

Continued Sense of Wonder: Adults and Kids’ Books

Jackie McMillan is the Children’s Collection Specialist at Dunedin Public Library. She set up a book discussion group especially for adults to discuss themes in Children’s Books about 18 months ago, and here she talks about the group and those…

Book Awards: the junior fiction finalists

As part of our coverage of this year’s NZ Book Awards for Children and Young Adults, we asked the five shortlisted authors of the Esther Glen Award for Junior Fiction to explain the story behind their story. Here’s how, and…

School Librarians of Aotearoa: Adrienne

New Zealand’s school librarians are passionate, engaged professionals who know how to get students of all ages and reading levels into reading. This, by Adrienne Browne of Te Wharekura o Ruatoki – the longest-running bi-lingual school in New Zealand –…