
Karena Kelly: te ataahua o te rima meneti

He mātanga reo. He kaiako. He kaituhi. He māmā. Hei tautoko i Te Wiki o te reo Māori 2018 kua whakarae atu tātou ki Te Hiku o te Ika, ki a Tākuta Karena Kelly (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine). I ēnei marama…

From the Shop Floor: Time Out Bookstore

We are pleased to present a regular monthly series highlighting the work, expertise and enthusiasm of some of the greatest children’s booksellers of New Zealand. Here’s the multi-award-winning Time Out Bookstore in Mt Eden Village, Auckland. Situated in the heart…

Illustrators Robyn Belton and Jenny Cooper Talk

We present an interview between Robyn Belton and Jenny Cooper, on the subject of illustrating war stories, technology, (or the lack of it) and the misbehaviour of watercolour. Based loosely on their recently published World War I books: The ANZAC…

Melanie Drewery and the return of Nanny Mihi

Melanie Drewery has produced a multitude of books over the last two decades aimed at delivering te reo Māori and tikanga Māori in a gentle and positive way. Navana Matthews spoke to Melanie about the return of Nanny Mihi. See…

Melanie Drewery me te hokinga mai a Nanny Mihi

E hia kē nei ngā pukapuka i tuhi ai a Melanie Drewery i ēnei rua tekau tau. Ko te whāinga o ēnei pukapuka kia Rongo rawa te taki i te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori mā ngā tamariki. Navana…

Scott Tulloch and Myles Lawford Co-Interview

Humour authors Scott Tulloch and Myles Lawford interview one another about their careers, and about their most recent books – Where’s Kiwi Now? for Lawford, and Keep an Eye on that Kiwi, for Tulloch. The two do quite different things…

Across the Ditch: Allison Rushby & The Mulberry Tree

Australian author Allison Rushby is a prolific children’s and YA writer with many well-known books to her name, including The Turnkey (2017). Publishing with Walker Books, Rushby’s The Mulberry Tree (July 2018) is a spooky tale aimed at intermediate readers….

Ant Sang, Helen and the Go-Go Ninjas

Adrian Kinnaird talks to Ant Sang about his career so far, and his magnificent new collaboration with Michael Bennett, Helen and the Go-Go Ninjas (Penguin Random House NZ). Over the last decade I’ve watched Ant Sang build an impressive career,…

Kate Duignan: The Books of My Childhood

Kate Duignan recalls two influential books from her childhood, Heidi and The Diddakoi, in this stunning personal essay about the importance of a child’s sense of home. Kate’s new novel for adults, The New Ships, is out now from Victoria…

From the Shop Floor: Scorpio Books

We are pleased to present a regular monthly series highlighting the work, expertise and enthusiasm of some of the greatest children’s booksellers of New Zealand. Here’s the ever-resilient Scorpio Books in Christchurch. Dave Cameron, the owner of Scorpio in Christchurch,…