
Across the Ditch: Author Zana Fraillon

Australian author Zana Fraillon is an observer of the unseen: ‘As an author, I am drawn to the absences and the silences in our world.’ She is drawn in by those voices that aren’t being listened to, the stories that…

Author Interview: David Riley – Reading Warrior

David Riley is a Reading Warrior. The biographical niche-cramming South Auckland teacher-turned-author’s mission: to get books into the hands of those for whom reading hasn’t come easily. A sense of urgency regarding his students’ needs compelled David to pursue a…

The anatomy of an illustrator: Cat Chapman

Cat Chapman is an Auckland freelance illustrator, having discovered her skills whilst doing a course in picture-book illustration with Sandra Morris. Her illustrations have a relaxed, friendly feel, with welcoming characters you might recognise, places you might go. She has…

Book Awards: the Russell Clark finalists

As part of our coverage of this year’s NZ Book Awards for Children and Young Adults, we asked the five finalists of the Russell Clark Award for Illustration to interview each other. Here’s Kieran Rynhart, David Elliot, Toby Morris, Jenny…

Te reo for babies – as easy as tahi, rua, toru

Kitty Brown and Kirsten Parkinson (both Ngāi Tahu, Waitaha, Kāti Mamoe) are two wahine who’ve done everything right when it comes to self-publishing their Reo Pēpi boardbooks, which teach babies and families basic te reo. They write, illustrate, publish and…

Holly Walker and the books her kid is reading

Holly Walker is a parent, activist, reviewer and former Green MP, whose first book, The Whole Intimate Mess: Motherhood, Politics and Women’s Writing, is newly released with BWB Books. What does ‘story time’ look like at your house? Story time…

Juliet Jacka and Sally Sutton on writing for kids

Writing children’s books may seem romantic at remove, but — as with many things — it’s less glossy up close. As Kiwi writers Juliet Jacka and Sally Sutton can attest to, for every passionate line they write, only a lucky…

Across the ditch: an interview with Sally Rippin

Sally Rippin is one of the Big Names in Australian children’s books. Christchurch librarian Zac McCallum interviewed her to celebrate the launch of her newest junior fiction series, Polly and Buster. It’s about a secret friendship in a world where…

In conversation with Lauren Child, extraordinaire

Lily Max author Jane Bloomfield caught up with UK author/illustrator Lauren Child during the recent Auckland Writers Festival. We captured some of their fascinating whirlwind conversation here, learning about inspiration, thrillers, sunglasses and Seventies childhoods. I expected to feel incredibly…

Toby Morris and the books his kids are reading

Political cartoonist, comic artist, illustrator, writer, dad: Toby Morris (aka The Pencilsword) describes how cool it is to watch his kids discover their own tastes and interests through books – even if sometimes those interests are a little unexpected ……