The last two months have been significant for Aotearoa’s LGBTQIA+ community, with several major Pride events being celebrated across the country—so this month’s quiz is centred on the people, pukapuka, and events that make up New Zealand’s queer community.

1. Rere Atu Taku Poi: Let My Poi Fly! is a picture book exploring gender fluidity. Who is the author?
A. Michaela Keeble
B. Kyle Mewburn
C. Tangaroa Paul
D. Stacey Morrison
2. Tōku Whānau Rerehua is a bilingual book by Rauhina Cooper and illustrated by Isobel Joy Te Aho-White. What does the title translate to in English?
A. My Beautiful Family
B. My Unique Family
C. My Different Family
D. My Favourite Family
3. What is the name of the LGBTQIA+ literary festival held during Auckland Pride?
A. out on the shelves
B. InsideOut
C. samesame but different
D. out there
4. The reo Māori term ‘takatāpui’ traditionally means…
A. Gender diverse person
B. Fluid sexuality
C. Diverse community
D. Intimate companion of the same sex
5. When was homosexuality legalised in New Zealand?
A. 1970
B. 1986
C. 1968
D. 1990
6. What about when same-sex marriage was legalised in New Zealand?
A. 2013
B. 2009
C. 2016
D. 2010
7. Linda Jane Keegan’s picture book, featuring a character with two mums, is called…
A. Kōrora and the Sushi Shop
B. At the Bach
C. Stranded
D. Things in the Sea are Touching Me!
8. True or false: Out Here is the name of the 2021 anthology of LGBTQIA+ and takatāpui writers from Aotearoa.
9. Where in the country will you find Sam Duckor-Jones’ fabulous pink church Gloria, decorated in celebration of the queer community?
A. Whangārei
B. New Plymouth
C. Invercargill
D. Greymouth
10. What kind of book is Richard Fairgray’s Four-Colour Heroes?
A. Graphic novel
B. Picture book
C. Poetry collection
D. Chapter book
- C – Tangaroa Paul is the author of Rere Atu Taku Poi: Let My Poi Fly!
- A – The English title of Tōku Whānau Rerehua is My Beautiful Family. Check out Thalia Kehoe Rowden’s review here.
- C – NZ’s own LGBTQIA+ literary festival is called samesame but different.
- D – Takatāpui was a term used to describe an ‘intimate companion of the same sex’ (Source:
- B – The Homosexual Law Reform Act was passed in 1986.
- A – Same-sex marriage has been legal since 2013.
- Linda Jane Keegan’s debut picture book, Things in the Sea are Touching Me!, features a character with two mums.
- True. You can check out the book here.
- D – Gloria is in Greymouth. It even has its own Instagram account!
- A – Four-Colour Heroes is a graphic novel for upper-YA readers, set in New Zealand prior to the passing of the Civil Union Act 2004, which allowed civil unions between same-sex couples. Check out our 2022 interview with Richard about the book here, or read an extract here.