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Te Arotakenga: Ko Lisa Carrington Me Te Toa Whakaihuwaka

Kua pāpāhotia a Dame Lisa Carrington ētahi pukapuka pikitia hou i roto i te reo Māori me te reo pākeha anō hoki hei whai, hei whakahihiko i ngā tamariki kia whakapau werawera kia tutuki i o rātou whāinga. Ānei te…

The Sampling: Dear Moko

By Dr Hinemoa Elder We’re delighted to share a sneak peek at Dr Hinemoa Elder’s Dear Moko, a collection of whakataukī adapted from her bestselling collection of whakataukī for adults, Aroha. Dear Moko is written for all mokopuna, grandchildren, descendents….

The Sampling: Dear Moko

Nā Dr Hinemoa Elder E pārekareka ana mātou te tuari i ngā kōrero o Dr Hinemoa Elder’s mō tōna pukapuka Dear Moko. He kohinga whakataukī tēnei mai i tōna pukapuka rongonui Aroha e hangai ana ki ngā whakataukī mō ngā…

Photos from the Picture Me window painting

During Gecko Press’s Picture Me festival, European illustrators Antje Damm, Aurore Petit and Piotr Socha will be painting a window at Te Auaha Gallery in central Wellington. We’ll be posting updates as the mural progresses. Thursday 12 September The first…

Illustrator to Illustrator: Five Things I Wish I Could Ask Another Illustrator

Award-winning illustrator Hilary Jean Tapper illuminates the craft, quandaries and processes of creating children’s books with three visiting international illustrators.  Picture book illustration is a small profession within New Zealand, with few opportunities to come together to celebrate and nurture our…

Review: New titles in two great local series

Cassie Hart reviews a new book in the Whetū Toa series and a sequel to Amorangi and Millie’s Trip Through Time. Whetū Toa and the Secret Spies, by Steph Matuku and illustrated by Katharine Hall (Huia Publishers) Steph Matuku manages…

Interview: Rachel Lawson on Picture Me 

Picture Me promises a vibrant cross-cultural celebration of illustration and identity for children and professional illustrators alike. The Sapling sat down with Gecko Press publisher, Rachel Lawson, to find out what the festival is all about. The Sapling (TS): During…

Interview: Kate Preece on Ten Nosey Weka 

Carly Thomas talks with Ten Nosey Weka author Kate Preece about creating a picture book that’s part of the ta rē Moriori revival. A new children’s picture book by Kate Preece sits on the bookshop shelf alongside others. Its beautiful…

Review: Three picture books with messages for their readers

Annelies Judson reviews three recent picture books designed to soothe and inspire young readers. The Lucky Little Pig, by Stacey Smith, illustrated by Deborah Hinde The Lucky Little Pig is another in an unofficial series of “Aotearoa Natural Disaster Animal…