Huia Publishers

Book Launch: Charlie Tangaroa and the God of War

Tania Roxborogh held launch events for the sequel to Charlie Tangaroa and the Creature from the Sea at Te Kura Toi Tangata in Hamilton on Thursday evening and Scorpio in Christchurch last night. In her launch speech she explained the…

Interview: Nicola Daly on Indigenous Worldviews in Picture Books

Nicola Daly is what you’d call a children’s book buff. Officially a sociolinguist and senior lecturer at University of Waikato, she has committed her academic career to children’s literature and language learning. Her latest research looks at how Indigenous voices…

Christmas Reads from The Sapling

We interrupt this hiatus to bring you a list of Top Recommendations for the 2021 Holiday Season, created for you, our dear readers, as well as those of Newsroom’s ReadingRoom. Compiled by Editor Sarah with a bit of help from…

Book Review: New Novels for Aotearoa Teens

It must be new young adult fiction season, because we’re back with more reckons on recent releases. Today, Tihema Baker talks two titles: Steph Matuku’s new fantasy novel Falling Into Rarohenga and Anne Kayes’ simultaneously contemporary and historical story In…

A Day In The Life: Isobel Joy Te Aho-White

If you paid attention to our NZCYA Awards coverage, you would have seen one book appear more than any other! Santa’s Worst Christmas – and it’s te reo Māori verison, Te Kirihimete i Whakakorea – was a finalist in four…

Ngā Pakiwaitara o tēnei Whenua me Taitua

Nā Tania Roxborogh tēnei arokatenga i tuhi. Hei tāna, te whakamahi o te reo Māori ki roto o ngā akomanga me ngā pakiwaitara o Aotearoa me taitua, ā, e matapakia ana tōna pukapuka Charlie Tangaroa and the Creature From the…

Book Awards: The Reo Māori Finalists

Our coverage of the category finalists continues with reviews from a couple of talented tamariki. Elliah and Hineraukura have provided their thoughts on the finalists for the Wright Family Foundation Te Kura Pounamu Award for Te Reo Māori, both in…

Illustrator Feature: Laya Mutton-Rogers

One of the most exciting new artists to pop up on our radar in the last six months has been Laya Mutton-Rogers, the artist behind the beautiful illustrations in Tio Tiamu | The Smelly Giant, released late last year by…

Book Reviews: New Bilingual Picture Books

The bilingual Simmonds whānau has reviewed two new picture books. Read on to find out what Shirley, Tamihana (10) and Raukawa (9), think about them. You can also read a version of these reviews written in te reo Māori. The…