Illustrated Publishing

Getting it right matters: an interview with Sarah Wilkins

Katherine Hurst chats with Sarah Wilkins about her new book, Diary of a Marine Biologist, scientific curiosity, AI and sea anemones. Katherine Hurst: Can you tell me a little about your background? How did you get into illustrating? Sarah Wilkins:…

Book Reviews: New Aotearoa Picture books

There are all kinds of strong voices in Aotearoa’s picture book world today and some of the best of the best are women. Freelance writer Carly Thomas reviews five New Zealand children’s books that all fit that criteria and finds…

Book Awards: The Non-Fiction Finalists

Simie interviewed five booksellers from around the motu about their favourite finalists in the Elsie Locke Award for Non-Fiction category in this year’s NZCYA Awards. Booksellers are the passionate people who are putting these books into the hands of the…