Junior Fiction

The NZ Booklovers Awards

The winners of the NZ Booklovers Awards will be announced at the end of the week. Before we find out who takes out the picture book, junior fiction and young adult prizes, we spoke with the Booklovers team to find…

Review: Square Me, Round World

Clinical Psychologist Philippa McDowall reviews a collection of stories for neurodivergent children. Square Me, Round World was the best book I read to neurodivergent children last year. Children who communicate differently, and who experience the sensory and social world differently…

From the Shop Floor: bookseller recommendations for Christmas

Eight year olds to teens edition. Avid book collectors know that some of the best informed opinions on books are found over the counter at your local bookstore, so we’ve asked Aotearoa’s specialist children’s booksellers what they’re recommending for Christmas…

From the Shop Floor: bookseller recommendations for Christmas

Babies to eight year olds edition. Avid book collectors know that some of the best informed opinions on books are found over the counter at your local bookstore, so we’ve asked Aotearoa’s specialist children’s booksellers what they’re recommending for Christmas…

Book Launch: Charlie Tangaroa and the God of War

Tania Roxborogh held launch events for the sequel to Charlie Tangaroa and the Creature from the Sea at Te Kura Toi Tangata in Hamilton on Thursday evening and Scorpio in Christchurch last night. In her launch speech she explained the…

Quiz: 2024 Notable Books

The Storylines Notable Books for 2024 were announced this morning. Test your knowledge of all books notable here! Questions Answers Storylines Notable Books for 2024 Non-Fiction Dear Moko: Māori wisdom for our young ones, Dr Hinemoa Elder, Miriama Grace-Smith (PenguinRandom…

Reviews: New titles in two popular series

Fiona Giles reviews new junior fiction books from James Russell and Fraser Smith. Children of the Rush: Book 3, by James Russell This rip-roaring adventure had me glued to my seat as I devoured it in one sitting. Book three…

Review: Lisa Carrington Chases a Champion

Dame Lisa Carrington has released new picture books in te reo Māōri and te reo Pākehā that seek to inspire children to work hard to meet their goals. Tia Haira reviews the English edition here. This story is about the…

Te Arotakenga: Ko Lisa Carrington Me Te Toa Whakaihuwaka

Kua pāpāhotia a Dame Lisa Carrington ētahi pukapuka pikitia hou i roto i te reo Māori me te reo pākeha anō hoki hei whai, hei whakahihiko i ngā tamariki kia whakapau werawera kia tutuki i o rātou whāinga. Ānei te…