OneTree House

Book Reviews: New Picture Books from Aotearoa

From curious noises to sneaky felines to whānau-focused native birds, we’ve got a cracker of a line-up of new Kiwi picture books in this set of reviews. Early childhood teacher Alana Bird gives us her takes.  Hoihoi Turituri, by Soledad…

Book Reviews: Alex: The Quartet, by Tessa Duder

Alex still stands out in editor Sarah’s mind as one of the best flawed, real female characters ever written in New Zealand YA. Alex: The Quartet brings together the four Alex books in one handy package, giving her the ideal…

THE SAMPLING: Wynter’s Thief

We’re delighted to share our latest Sampling with you – a brand new fantastical young adult novel from the beloved Sherryl Jordan, published by OneTree House. Our extract from Wynter’s Thief starts right at the beginning of the story, drawing you in with a bang.

Book Reviews: The Latest in NZ Non-Fiction

It isn’t news to anyone that Aotearoa is currently marking a significant anniversary, as we pass the 250 years since James Cook circumnavigated this country’s islands in the H.M.B. Endeavour. Some see it as a cause for celebration, others commemoration,…

Book Reviews: Young Adult Fiction

Susette Goldsmith reviews four fascinating books for older readers: think steampunk shenanigans, paranormal romance, celebrity secret identities and the grim realities of life as a member of a persecuted populace. As different as they may be, it turns out that…

The Mahy Questionnaire: Lani Wendt Young

You know it, you love it – it’s the Mahy Questionnaire! This month we are very lucky to be able to feature Lani Wendt Young, who as we publish this piece, is on the Storylines Story Tour in Auckland. Lani…

Book Reviews: Junior and Middle Fiction

Sarah Forster reviews current releases Harriet and the eye of the Bird, Bonjour Lucy Bee and The Invincibles: Power Up! She also reviews a final manuscript for Tūī Street Heroes, thanks to Wildling Books. This will release in September. The…

THE SAMPLING: Bonjour Lucy Bee

Bonjour Lucy Bee is a fast-paced holiday adventure novel. Lucy Bee is on a family reunion holiday in France when she finds an injured boy behind a bush.

THE SAMPLING: Telesā Book One – The Covenant Keeper

Lani Wendt Young From Washington D.C, comes Leila, a young woman in search of family, a place to belong. Instead she finds her destiny and it threatens to tear her apart. There is the bewitching call of a Telesā sisterhood…

THE SAMPLING: Rafferty Ferret: Ratbag

By Sherryl Jordan Rafferty is an orphan, raised by monks. Misfortune strikes and he is outcast, and must fend for himself. He uses his cunning and charm to develop a trade for himself as the town’s ratcatcher… and rat liberator….