OneTree House

Book Reviews: Four Young Adult Titles

Dragons, kick-arse heroines and mystical beings abound in the final round of YA reviews for 2018, reviewed by Kylie Parry. Cassie Clark: Outlaw, by Brian Falkner (OneTree House) Action, adventure, a kick-arse teenage girl hero? Sign me up. I love…

Book Reviews: Two great kiwi junior fiction titles

Split consciousness features in very different ways in these two wonderful junior fiction titles for opposite ends of the audience age group. Sarah Forster tells us what she thinks. Between, by Adele Broadbent (OneTree House) Between had me under its…

Book Reviews: YA From High Fantasy to Gritty Reality

This set of reviews includes everything from kidnapping to faraway kingdoms, pig-hunting to the wilds of Fiordland. Three of the books reviewed are by OneTree House, who just this week won a prestigious award at Bologna Children’s Book Fair. The…

Read it in the stars: OneTree House

OneTree House directors Jenny Nagle and Christine Dale, who have 43 titles lined up for the new publishing house’s first year, talk to Mākaro Press publisher Mary McCallum as their first books hit the bookshops. With 43 titles lined up…