Picture Books

Book Reviews: New (mainly) factual picture books

Thalia Kehoe Rowden reviews three new mainly factual picture books: two historical stories told from the point of view of animals, and a work of fiction providing an introduction to visiting someone else’s marae. Bess the Brave War Horse, by…

Picture Books with Muslim Representation

In the wake of the horrific attacks against Muslim worshippers in Christchurch, many parents and teachers are looking for picture books with Muslim characters, to make sure Muslim New Zealanders can see themselves in our books, and so all New…

Book Reviews: Te Reo & Trilingual Picture Books

Over Summer, my nephews and I read some recently published te reo Māori and bilingual children’s books. Nō Tauranga Moana rāua, Te Kaponga and Mangō-Ururoa are almost 10 and 7 years old respectively and te reo Māori is their first…

THE SAMPLING: The Lonely Little Tree

Here’s an extract from a new New Zealand Christmas picture book, The Lonely Little Tree by Moya Kirby and illustrated by Terri Rose Baynton (Scholastic).

International illustrated hardbacks

Hardcover non-fiction or poetry can be a great choice of gift for the special or hard-to-buy-for child in your life. Here are three gorgeous, recent international books, all themed around nature. I Am the Seed that Grew the Tree: A…

New books for the 125th suffrage anniversary

On 28 November 1893, Māori and European women voted in national elections for the first time in New Zealand, having won a law change on 19 September of that year. Today we introduce two new books for children on the…

2018 End-of-Year Shopping List: NZ Picture Books

Do you want to be sure you’re getting top-shelf books for your favourite people this Christmas – or on any gift-giving occasion? We are making it easy for you! Here is our selection of the very best New Zealand picture…

Book Reviews: Picture Books in Te Reo Māori

This month, Kay Benseman and her niece and nephews are reviewing four recently published books, including translations of older English editions and a bilingual book, too. From Tauranga Moana, Hinengākau Cameron is 12 years old, her tungāne, Te Kaponga and…

Book Reviews: Five Fresh Kiwi Picture Books

It seems to impossible to think of a New Zealand childhood without certain things: jandals, gumboots, lolly cake and of course, Lynley Dodd. Two of her newest titles are reviewed here by Simie Simpson, alongside Little Hector and the Big…

Two New International Picture Books

Here are reviews of two new picture books that couldn’t be more different! One’s a whimsical story about refugees; the other’s a funky, funny book for new babies. What did our editor and reviewer Jane think of them? Read on….