Te Tiriti O Waitangi – Te Pukapuka Hou
I muri mai i te tukunga o te pakimaero whakairoiro Te Tiriti o Waitangi nō te Puna Pūrākau o ngā Hautaka Kura i tētahi tau ki mua, ka whakaputaina e Lift Education he putanga rahi ake, putanga reorua o taua…
I muri mai i te tukunga o te pakimaero whakairoiro Te Tiriti o Waitangi nō te Puna Pūrākau o ngā Hautaka Kura i tētahi tau ki mua, ka whakaputaina e Lift Education he putanga rahi ake, putanga reorua o taua…
Over Summer, my nephews and I read some recently published te reo Māori and bilingual children’s books. Nō Tauranga Moana rāua, Te Kaponga and Mangō-Ururoa are almost 10 and 7 years old respectively and te reo Māori is their first…
Māori language academic Vini Olsen-Reeder wants Māori-speaking kids and adults to be able to read books – lots of them – in te reo Māori. Since I started learning te reo Māori in 2008, I think I’ve been subconsciously preparing…
The images and the story of Margaret Mahy’s “A Lion in the Meadow” have almost become a part of the collective consciousness of children who grow up in Aotearoa. This year, the Māori language translation of the book: “He Raiona…
Ko ngā pikitia me ngā kōrero o Lion in the Meadow nā Margaret Mahy, he mea tuhi ki te rae o te tamaiti i tipu ake i Aotearoa nei. I tēnei tau, i puta mai ki te ao He Raiona…
This month, Kay Benseman and her niece and nephews are reviewing four recently published books, including translations of older English editions and a bilingual book, too. From Tauranga Moana, Hinengākau Cameron is 12 years old, her tungāne, Te Kaponga and…
Revitalising a language and raising a family are both harrowing, amazing tasks. What happens when you do both at the same time? In celebrating Māori Language Week, Louise Whaanga (Ngāti Kahungunu) shares a wonderful account of the role Māori language…
As part of celebrations for Māori Language Week, Vini Olsen-Reeder chats with his relation Hinemārie Burton about co-writing their first book together. Ngā Maunga Tohorā: The Whale Mountains is a children’s book wrapped in identity, language and local Tauranga history….
Whenua Taurangi (Promised Land) is a story celebrating the love shared between cultural backgrounds, different socioeconomic situations and members of the LGBTQ community. In this bilingual interview, guest editor for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Vini Olsen-Reeder, chats to…
He mātanga reo. He kaiako. He kaituhi. He māmā. Hei tautoko i Te Wiki o te reo Māori 2018 kua whakarae atu tātou ki Te Hiku o te Ika, ki a Tākuta Karena Kelly (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine). I ēnei marama…