There are more and more children’s pukapuka being translated into te reo Māori all the time, and we love seeing them! In honour of Te Wiki o te reo Māori, here is another lot of reo Māori books for your tamariki.

Edmonds Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi
Nā Goodman Fielder
Nā Jen Martin i whakamāori
Published by Hachette NZ
RRP: $28.00

Tā te Kiwi 123 Puka Tatau
Nā Donovan Bixley
Nā Darryn Joseph i whakamāori
Published by Upstart Press
RRP: $20.00

Kei ōku Matimati Waewae he Onepū, He Rongo Mātaitai kei tōku Ihu
Nā Rosalind Potter
Nā Ginney Deavoll ngā whakaahua
Nā Urupikia Minhinnick te reo Māori
Published by CopyPress
RRP: $24.00

Te Mahi a Te Kihi!
Nā Maura Finn i tuhi
Nā Pania Papa i whakamāori
Nā Jenny Cooper i tā ngā pikitia
Published by Scholastic NZ
RRP: $22.00

Te Kāihe Kokikoki
Nā Craig Smith i tuhi
Nā Katz Cowley i tā pikitia
Nā Pānia Papa i whakamāori
Published by Scholastic NZ
RRP: $22.00

Ka Puta Mai i te Hēki
Nā Tina Matthews
Nā Kiwa Hammond i whakamāori
Published by OneTree House
RRP: $40.00

Rōmeo rāua ko Hurieta
Nā William Shakespeare
Nā Te Haumihiata Mason i whakamāori
Published by Auckland University Press
RRP: $40.00